Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Blog day # 5 in a day of my life. POTATO CHIPS!

     Today is both a sad day- & a happy day. One of my vices is POTATO CHIPS. BUT- they have to be sea salt- anything salty I like- take the salt away and I won't touch them! I think I have a problem there. Now I have posted the following information and that my friends is my sad day !
     Now for my HAPPY DAY! Last night around 5 pm. Door bell rang. I glanced down the hall and could see the UPS truck in the street. He had gone back and was caring a big brown box. No pun intended! LOL So I went to the door and low and behold TWO big brown boxes were there. This was my HAPPY DAY! For you see, The TOWER GARDENS have arrived!
     For those that do not know what this is, it is our organic growing , fruits & veggies, no fuss, no mess, no soil, NO PESTICIDE'S,  just air-water- and organic NUTRIENTS growing system. Each system is 2 1/2 feet wide- about 4 feet high, 20 plants and so easy, even I COULD DO IT!
     If you want to learn more, please just email me or visit our web site or google GARDEN TOWER.
     So today is sad day & HAPPY DAY! The lesson here is when a sad day happens, its wonderful to have a HAPPY DAY come into your life at the ring of a door bell! HGD

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, one of those may be mine. I am so excited to get started with it.


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